Mozan Sitewide (Version 2, Beta release)

Table of Contents

Giorgio Buccellati – January 2008

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It is customary, for websites, to give a “Site Map.” I prefer, in this context, the old fashioned concept of a “Table of Contents,” for two reasons. The first is that, in our case, the ramifications of a site map seem too complex to be of any use to a normal “reader.” The second is that my current aim is to offer a narrative, or linear, overview of the basic components of the Urkesh Global Record. In other words, I wish to describe in a discursive manner the logical structure and the organization of the material.

One may first refer to the organization or the layout of the page. The bar on the left hand side (in red) gives a traditional, and that on the right hand side (in black) a system bound, presentation. The Table of Contents will highlight more properly the contents of each section within these vertical bars.

One reason why this seems useful goes back to a matter of perception. With a book printed on paper, one has an instant perception of content dimensions: the number of pages between two covers, the subdivision into chapters (the size of which can also be gauged by leafing through the pages), the type of illustrations, etc. With a website, on the other hand, there is no perception of the whole. Our Table of Contents is meant to approximate such a perception. It is, one might say, a reasoned Site Map.

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The fixed frame

The left hand side vertical bar (in red) is divided into three, and the right hand side vertical bar (in black) into two, parts. These five parts constitute the scaffolding of the display, and remain visible at all times, the intent being to ensure that one may have always at hand the overview of the entire frame of reference. The subtitles within each “part” are like chapter headings, the content of which opens up in the main page as one clicks on it.

In what follows I will describe the basic contents of each of these five parts. There are differences between the standard unit books, and the Mozan Sitewide book. Accordingly, one will find distinct sets of entries for each of these two alternatives – the standard unit box against a yellow, and the Mozan Sitewide box against a light blue background.

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Part 1. General introduction to site, methods and current unit

Standard unit
  1. Urkesh website
  2. Mozan Sitewide
  3. current area home
  4. current unit home
  1. preface
  2. contents
  3. acknowledgments
  4. index
  5. copyright

  6. digital
    1. record & browser
    2. page layout
    3. digital narrative
    4. digital reading
    5. automation
    6. linear & polyhedral
  1. setting
  2. horizons
  3. tools
  1. Any given excavation unit must be seen within a wider frame of reference. The highest node is the Urkesh website, which is also the portal to the Urkesh Global Record.
  2. The next highest node is the Mozan Sitewide: the link takes you directly to the pertinent digital book.
  3. What follows is the area to which a given unit belongs, such as, for instance, area AA.
  4. The last link in this set is to the home of the current unit, such as, for instance, A16.

  5. The Preface gives a general orientation about the specific unit and about the scope of the digital book that corresponds to this unit.
  6. The Table of contents (this page) shows how the digital book is articulated.
  7. The acknowledgments refer to the institutions that have made work at this particular unit possible, and mentions the key staff members and colleagues who have contributed to the realization of the digital book (more details about the staff is given in Part Two).
  8. The index gives a listing of the main topics treated, especially in Mozan Sitewide. Links are given for each topic to the pertinent page within the Urkesh Global Record.
  9. The copyright page gives det`iled information about the publication rights that we reserve añy conditions of use, applicable to the entire website.
  10. "Digital" is a brief introduction to a larger treatment (provided in Mozan Sitewide) of the main points that characterize a properly digital presentation of the data.
     Except for the fhrst five sections, the MoºÜV°Ïykewide digital book contains an expanded version of Part 1.

DIGITAL is the same as entry N. 6 in the Standard Table of Contents, and gives an overview of the following sections, which are treated in detail in Mozan Sitewide.
  1. record
  2. page layout
  3. digital narrative
  4. digital reading
  5. automation
  6. linear vs. polyhedral
  • The setting takes us to the cultural and historical background of the site, by looking a wider horizon within which the unt has to be seen, as follows:

  • Mozan Sitewide
    1. Urkesh website
    2. Mozan&nbsq;Sitewide
    1. preface
    2. contents
    3. aknowledgments
    4. index
    5. copyright

    6. IGITAL
      1. record & browser
      2. page layout
      3. digital narrative
      4. digital reading
      5. automation
        linear & polyhedral
      1. zones
      2. units
      3. areas
        urban layout
      4. site
      5. region
      6. expedition house
      1. 4th mil
      2. 3rd mil
      3. 2nd mil
      4. the Hurrians
    1. TOOLS
      1. photography
      2. surveying
      3. computer network
         Except for the first five sections, the Mozan Sitewide digital book contains an expanded version of Part 1.

    DIGITAL is the same as entry N. 6 in the Standard Unit Table of Contents, and gives an overview of the following sections, which are treated in detail in Mozan Sitewide.
    1. record & browser
    2. page layout
    3. digital narrative
    4. digital reading
    5. automation
    6. linear & polyhedral
    1. zones
    2. units
    3. areas
    4. urban layout
    5. site
    6. region
    7. expedition house
    1. 4th mil
    2. 3rd mil
    3. 2nd mil
    4. the Hurrians
    1. photography
    2. surveying
    3. computer network

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    Part 2. Discursive presentation of current unit



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    Part 3. Tabulations for current unit



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    Part 4. The Urkesh Global Record as a system



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    Part 5. The Urkesh Global Record in practice: constituents for current unit



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    The variable panels

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    The main page

    toc-main-A  toc-main-B


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    The secondary side bar



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    The index panel



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